How to recover lost photos/documents from a portable memory device?

How to Fix and Repair Computer Errors and Problems

How to recover lost files (photos, songs, documents) from a portable memory device (SD card, USB stick, Memory card) ?

Very Important: Do you know what really happens when you delete a file ? In fact its not getting deleted- what happens really is your operating system marks that file location as “writable” and hides the visual access to that file from your HDD. This means that the “lost” file or the files which you have lost really exist in your computers memory in a normally inaccessible form. So you need the help of a file recovery software to get these files back.

Note: One important point to keep in mind is that – once you realise you lost a file – keep the system operations as minimum as possible – because the original file location is now in “write” mode – and you can really loose the files any time. So have a file recovery file installed as soon as possible – because even this single software installation after “lose of data” can really reduce your chances of recovering the files.

1. Using PC Inspector File Recovery

Download PC Inspector

PC Inspector can recover many files that are not recoverable by free file recovery softwares – like – ARJ AVI BMP CDR DOC DXF DBF XLS ,EXE GIF HLP HTML HTM JPG LZH MID,MOV MP3 PDF PNG RTF TAR TIF WAV and ZIP. After recovery the window will list all recovered files classified as photos,videos,documents and other files.

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