12 BEST Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

12 Best Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a list of 12 most useful Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts.


Cortana typedStart Cortana
Keyboard Shortcut:  WinKey + S




Cortana VoiceStart Cortana Voice
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + C




TaskView Mode
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + Tab



alt+tabSwitch between Windows
Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + Tab




SnapWindows Snapping
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + Up/Down/Righ/Left



Show desktopShow Desktop
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + D



Action centerOpen the Action Center
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + A



SettingsOpen the Settings Menu
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + I




Start contextOpen the Start Button Context Menu
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + X



alt f4Close a window
Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + F4



RunOpen Windows Run
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + R



-screenLog off or Switch Users
Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey + L
