BitRaptor 9.0 has been released

BitRaptor Bitcoin Crypto Trading Bot

Release Date: July 8, 2024
Supported OS: Windows 11, 10, 2022, 2019 Server (64-bit)

What’s New:

  • AI algorithm which learns better to predict unseen data and there is no need to retrain bots too often. Also with a very tight stop loss. (Bots trained with the old version of BitRaptor are not compatible with this new version, all bots must be trained again, batch training can be used).
  • NewBots version which is not compatible with the old version, all trading pair must be added back manually.
  • NewOrder history format which is not compatible with the old version, so the old order history will be lost.
  • NewChart cache format which is not compatible with the old version, old chart cache files will not work with the new version.
  • NewChanged the Trainer results from Total Reinvested Win to Train Score which is a formula for better results with more stable training.
  • NewChanged the automatic maximum stop loss to a lower value.
  • ChangedMarket Risk to be less aggresive.
  • FixedMarket Risk Sqlite database error.
  • Updatedmachine learning, network, UI and log modules.
  • Otherminor fixes and improvements.