Here are the Operating System usage statistics for February 2016, based on all Internet traffic (source w3c). The statistics numbers are rounded to 0.5% and Windows Vista has been removed from graph as it has less than 1%. 2016 Win10 ...

Here are the Operating System usage statistics for November 2015, based on all Internet traffic (source w3c). The statistics numbers are rounded to 0.5% and Windows Vista has been removed from graph as it has less than 1%. 2015 Win10 Win8 ...

Here are the Operating System usage statistics for October 2015, based on all Internet traffic (source w3c). The statistics numbers are rounded to 0.5% and Windows Vista has been removed from graph as it has less than 1%. 2015 Win10 Win8 ...

[lightbox full=””] [/lightbox] Here are the Operating System usage statistics for August 2015, based on all Internet traffic (source w3c). The statistics numbers are rounded to 0.5% and Windows Vista has been removed from graph as it has less than ...